Melt starts the sermon series on the book of Romans on Sunday 14th April.
Reading: Ephesians 2: 8 - 9
Last weeks' sermon - Easter Sunday 9th April - can be heard by clicking the "Listen Now" button below.

Don't forget this coming Saturday 15th April @ 9:00am! A full day's free event to help us share the gospel with confidence.
Please sign up asap so that they can manage catering and other attendance details.

Diarise this free concert for Friday or Saturday 28th and 29th April @ 7pm.
It will most likely be the last performance of “Table for Five”, as some of the musicians (previous YK residents) are flying in from Edmonton, Salt Lake City and more for this concert.
The concert is free. Amazing! All for the sheer joy and love of music!

Our Missions Team for the November 2023 missions trip to the Logos Hope, are raising funds for the trip and for the mission.
FundScrip is a fundraising program that lets our group raise much needed funds simply by purchasing gift cards to the stores you are already shopping at.
You purchase a $100 grocery card and your will receive a $100 gift card and a percentage of your purchase will be donated to our fundraising campaign.
You exchange cash for a card - that's all! We encourage you to invite your family members, friends, co-workers and neighbours to participate in FundScrip as well. After all, they probably buy groceries and gas just like you do.
Contact Ben at church on Sunday to order your gift cards or email him at media@ykvineyard.com. Any one of the missions' team can help you get your gift cards too!

A reminder that in August we will be starting a ten-week Alpha course.
Alpha is the perfect space to disciple new believers and to give them a good grounding in the faith. It is also a good place for seekers to explore the Christian faith. Consider who you could invite to come.
If you would like to be a small group leader on Alpha, please let Melt know. We will be doing some small group leader’s training before the course starts.
Grace and Peace!