Melt will be continuing the sermon series on John - The Gospel of Belief.

His sermon is titled, ""Mercy Triumphs over judgement"

Scripture Reading: John 21:15-25 (NIV)

As we gear up for the upcoming ministry year there are various minitries that are looking for extra help and volunteers. If you are interested in helping in any way please contact one of the pastors so we can connect you to the right people.  

Nest Sunday September 8th, 2024 is Kick-off Sunday! This will mark the begining of Kingdom kids programming for the fall. We are excited for what God has in store.  We will begin at 9:30am with snack, face painting and balloon creations. Come and have fun!

You can always reach out to any of the pastoral team members for support or if you have any questions or concerns. 

Melt Van der Spuy (Senior Pastor)


Jabin Carrasco (Family Pastor)

Cell: 647-515-7845


Jessica Carrasco (Family Pastor)

Cell: 647-391-7845


Joshua Mitton (Worship Pastor)

Cell: 306-313-5759


Grace and peace.