Welcome to YKVC 2024! It is a year that holds much that is promising and exciting for us as a community. Join us, as we start our year in Worship, this coming Sunday 14 January.
Almighty God,
As we, your creatures, stand at the head of a New Year, we seek your face. We know that time is relative in your Kingdom, because you exist outside of time and created time for us. Our minds are finite, and we tend to work in times and seasons. Be merciful to us Lord. Kindle, at the beginning of this year, we pray, in every heart here, the true love of peace, that has its origin in You. And guide, with your wisdom, those who are in places of power, those who take counsel for the nations of the earth, that in tranquility and peace your rule and reign may increase until the earth is filled with the knowledge of your love; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.
Melt continues with the sermon series on the book of Romans. His sermon this week includes Chapters 9, 10 & 11 and his sermon is titled "The problem of Israels' unbelief".
Scripture Reading: Romans 9:30-33 (NIV)
Brunch by Donation - Sunday 14th January - after the service.
Please join us after the service on Sunday for a brunch by donation to help raise funds for our mission trip.
Garage Sale - Saturday 27th January - All Day - 9:00am - 5:00pm - at the church
All proceeds for the Garage Sale will go towards the mission trip. Please contribute goods for sale if and as you can.
Over the next few weeks Melt will be communicating the church plans for 2024 at Worship Services and also in writing as an addition to the V News. Be sure to read and engage with the process.
The PLT, and five additional people from our community, have formed a Guiding Coalition to consider and redefine the identity and purposes of YKVC. We spent most of Sunday 7 January in a workshop considering our vision, matters of transition & succession, our organizational structure, our meeting place and the potential of property ownership, various Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and possible Threats. Our church has grown significantly over the past two years, and we are assessing the changes that are necessary for us to make in order to sustain this growth, and to be all that God intends for us to be as a local church in Yellowknife. Pray with us. The Guiding Coalition consists of: Bright Lubansa, Richard Harvey, Josh Mitton, Jabin and Jessica Carrasco, Melt van der Spuy (facilitator), Taida Speck, Matt and Emily Hanson, John Morris and Juliana Aguilera. Please feel free as the coalition meet and as we communicate our process to the broader church to talk with anyone on the coalition about our progress in various matters.
Sunday 17 March - Commissioning of Jabin and Jessica Carrasco as family pastors Please keep them and their children, Ezekiel, Eden, Eli & Ezra, in your prayers.
Grace and peace.