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Tomorrow, Joshua will be continuing the sermon series on John - The Gospel of Belief.

His sermon is titled, "Living Water: Jesus and the Samaritan Woman"

Scripture Reading: John 4:1-26 (NIV)

Please consider practically loving and supporting the two church families with new babies by bringing them a meal!

This is the link to sign up to bring a meal to the Weeden family:

This is the link to sing up to bring a meal to the Mochar family:

If you have any questions please reach out to Michaela at

While Pastor Melt is away, you can reach out to any of the pastoral team members for support or if you have any questions or concerns. 

Jabin Carrasco (Family Pastor)

Cell: 647-515-7845


Jessica Carrasco (Family Pastor)

Cell: 647-391-7845


Joshua Mitton (Worship Pastor)

Cell: 306-313-5759


On July 28, 2024 we will be having our annual outdoor service at Fred Henne Territorial Park. It is also an opportunity for anyone who wishes to be baptized. If this is you, please reach out to one of the pastors to begin discussions and preparations. 

Grace and peace.