On Sunday, Caleb will be continuing with our sermon series, "Journey to the King"

His semon is titled: "Journey to the King - The Call to follow - Kingdom Cost"

Scripture Reading: Luke 9:23-25 (NIV)

Please join us in welcoming the Carrasco family’s newest bundle of joy—baby Elizabeth Ruth Carrasco! Born on March 4, 2025, weighing 10 lbs 4 oz, she is a beautiful blessing to their family.

As a church family, we love to support one another, and we’d like to help them during this special transition by providing meals. If you can participate, please sign up using the Meal Train link and details below.

Meals For Jessica and Jabin Carrasco via Take Them A Meal

A few notes:
*Please bring enough food for a growing family of 7.
*No meals with lentils or fish, please.
*Kindly deliver meals before 5 PM.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Michaela De Putter at michaeladeputter@gmail.com.

We are yet again blessed that our church family has grown! On March 5th, Matt and Emily Hansen welcomed their beautiful baby girl, Grace Elora Hansen, into the world. 

As they adjust to life with their precious little one, we have arranged meal train to help support them during this special time. If you’re able to contribute, it will be a huge blessing way for us to show our love and care for the Hansen family. LINK to the meal calendar and details below.

Meals For Emily and Matt Hansen via Take Them A Meal 

A few notes:
*Please bring enough food for 2 adults and 2 kids.
*Kindly deliver meals before 5 PM.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Michaela De Putter at michaeladeputter@gmail.com.


We are excited to expand our small group ministry at Yellowknife Vineyard Church and would love your input! Small groups are a great way to grow in faith, build community, and support one another.
Please take a few minutes to complete this short survey and let us know your availability, interests, and whether you’d consider hosting or leading a group. Your feedback will help us shape a ministry that best serves our church family.
Thank you for your time. We appreciate your input!

Scan the QR Code to access over 20,000 videos from renowned leaders like Francis Chan and Tony Evans, this resource is perfect for group studies or personal devotions. It covers a wide range of topics, including Bible books, marriage, parenting, finances, mental health, and more. There's also a special kids' library with over 2,000 videos. Access is available via a free app on all major devices. Look for your email invitation this weekend to get started. If you don’t receive it, check your spam folder or contact a pastor. We hope RightNow Media enriches your faith and family.

Please reach out to any of our Pastors or email admin@ykvineyard.com if you need any help.

There are various ministries that are looking for extra help and volunteers. If you are interested in helping in any way please contact one of the pastors so we can connect you to the right people.  

You can always reach out to any of the pastoral team members for support or if you have any questions or concerns. 

Joshua Mitton (Worship & Small Group Pastor)

Cell: 306-313-5759

Email: worship@ykvineyard.com

Bright Lubansa (PLT & Board Member)

Email: brightlubansa@gmail.com

Cell: 867-446-1081

For general concerns email Church Admin at admin@ykvineyard.com

Grace & Peace!