Dear Yellowknife Vineyard Church,

As promised, an update on the transition process. Today (Tuesday 15 October) sees Jabin formally assume the position of Senior Pastor and Jessica that of Family Pastor. These are positions they have been ably serving in from May of 2024. Melt is now the Transitional Pastor and will hold that space to end March of 2025, when the entire transition process will be completed.

What remains to do in transition is that additional pastors are called alongside of Jabin and Jess. One of the positions will be a reconfiguration of Josh Mitton’s current role as Worship Pastor, to which he has first right of refusal if he feels called to continue in a pastoral role beyond December 2024. The other role will call for a Teaching and Prayer pastor. Both positions will be advertised in the coming weeks, and we will keep you posted as soon as the advertisements are placed.

The final piece of the jigsaw of transition is that the Guiding Coalition will meet one last time in early December to pull all the pieces together and conclude the coalition’s function. It is our hope that at that time some of the coalition team will transition onto the PLT. Juliana already serves on PLT, so is the first person from the coalition to transition into that leadership space.

Thank you for your ongoing prayer and support. We ask that you continue to hold us as we hold you, in Jesus.

Grace and peace to you all.


Same message is attached to this link: YKVC Transition Update 2