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On this Thanksgiving Sunday - 8th October - Jabin will be preaching. His sermon is titled "Give thanks in all circumstances".

Reading: Romans 8: 28-30 (NIV)

Last weeks' sermon - Fear as Motivator (October 1) can be heard by clicking the "Listen Now" button below.

Thanksgiving Sunday - October 8th - Potluck Dinner @ 5:00pm at the church.

Please bring a meal/dish that is big enough for your family - BUT we will be sharing our dishes. The church will be providing salad, buns and drinks.  Please bring a desert with your meal if you can.

Salvation Army Food and Clothing Donations - This Sunday is the last day for collection of non-perishable food items and clothing.  Please don't forget to bring your donations or donate cash.

Sunday 15th October - Josh Mitton's Commissioning as Worship Pastor.

Sunday 15th October - Kingdom Kids Kick-Off Sunday marks the beginning of when the kids all move up to the next level in Kingdom Kids.  There are all kinds of fun things planned for Kick-Off Sunday including snacks.

The Prayer Model & Gifts workshops will commence on Saturday 21 & 28 October. The workshops will be held at the church at 9.30am -12.00 noon.  Please make sure you sign up for the workshops.

RSVP to Melt  at

Kin Culture South Africa - Please consider helping us to help them with this incredibly worthy operation for Foster Families. Their website offers a wealth of information on their work and services -

Grace and peace.